8 Common Misconceptions About Screw Washers

October 22, 2019
虽然螺旋垫圈是众所周知的集料和采矿业, here are a few common misconceptions about what they do.

Screw Washers 有两种基本类型:粗料和细料. 

Coarse Material Screw Washers 是否设计/适合清洗名义上大于5毫米的粗骨料和矿石. 

Fine Material Screw Washers are typically used for washing and dewatering -5mm x 0 sand, fines or coarse tailings, 用于清除淤泥和/或粘土,通常为-75微米或200目. 这些单元也被称为其他名称,如螺旋分类器, spiral classifiers and sand screws. 

Today, 细料螺旋清洗机广泛用于脱水和/或洗涤比重为2的固体.6 and higher. 固体的最大粒度通常在进入浆料机器之前由洗涤/振动筛控制. 典型的最大固体进料尺寸为10mm或3/8”,但可以更细. 

Although Screw Washers are well-known and respected in the aggregate and mining 行业,有一些常见的误解,关于他们是什么和他们如何工作.


A Coarse Material Screw Washer is not a Log Washer.


Compared to Log Washers and Rotary Scrubbers, 这些低成本的单位往往被忽视的考虑,即使污垢, 泥浆和粘土可以通过这些装置提供的适度搅拌冲走. 

粗料螺旋垫圈适用于许多建筑骨料应用以及许多建筑和拆除(C&D) washing plants.


For washing construction aggregate like limestone, gravel, granite and similar hard ores, 当泥浆和可溶性粘土不能在有喷杆的湿式振动筛上有效清洗时,选择粗料螺旋清洗机. With the addition of the right volume of water, these relatively low-cost and low kW/HP units do a great job.

通常建议在此机器之后进行冲洗/洗涤筛网,以确保任何薄膜残留物从岩石和矿石饲料上洗掉. In some instances, this is not necessary.

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而许多供应商提供洗厂原木清洗机加工C&D materials, in a lot of circumstances these costly, high kW/HP units aren’t needed for floating lightweight, rock-sized contaminants. 

粗料螺旋垫圈可以提供一个特殊的溢流堰,允许最轻的, non-waterlogged material to float out. 较重的、比重大小的固体沉淀下来,并被预测为称职的岩石状物质.


粗料螺杆垫圈可用于去除C中的轻质材料&D wash plants. 

Misconception 3: Reversible paddles reduce scrubbing

Reversible paddles can actually offer more scrubbing. 

在粗料洗衣机未满载的情况下, some of the paddles can be flipped to scrub the rock more. 这取决于你正在考虑的制造商的桨设计. 在为你的工厂购买下一台机器之前,一定要检查清楚. 




当分离范围从150至800微米(或100至20目)是必需的, other types of classifiers, like Hydrosizers™ (or other, similar up-current classifiers), 推荐在细料螺旋清洗机脱水前使用.


大多数具有竞争力的设备在螺旋轴和洗涤箱或浴盆的弯曲脱水板之间有一个紧密的公差或间距. 由于这种紧密的间距,磨料砂可以在桶上磨损孔. 


When you’re getting pricing on a new sand screw, 向经销商询问这个间距,以便与您正在考虑的其他间距进行比较.


While this may be true for some Fine Material Washers, 具有较大池沉降面积和较长的堰的单位提供更多的罚款保留.  

确实有不同的设计,直接决定了+ 75微米或+200目菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸细砂保留. If this sand overflows with the silts and clays, you’re losing tons per hour of product

更长的堰和更大的池设置面积使更多的沙子在菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全堆, not lost to the tailings pond. Check the manufacturer’s published water volume capacity chart. For the same sized unit, 一个制造商的设备和另一个制造商的设备在水量上通常有20%的差异.

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Misconception 7: The length of the screw shaft doesn't matter

较长的螺杆轴提供增加脱水时间,导致更干燥的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全排出. 额外的长度都在洗涤箱的干甲板脱水部分. 

This is applicable in both Fine and Coarse Material Washers.


虽然这是一些制造商的机器的常见做法, it is not true for all Screw Washers. 

螺杆垫圈可以设计为持续多年的轴承密封. Check out this detail very carefully. 有一个单独的润滑脂点,用于浸入式下轴承组件, 在许多情况下,密封寿命大大延长至6至8年, which increases a machine’s availability and reduces downtime. 

Not every manufacturer has such a superior design. 在了解什么是提供尽职调查可以支付大红利,以降低您的砂螺杆维护成本.  

Tags: Washing & Classifying

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