8 Reasons To Use A Dewatering Screen In Your Application

February 1, 2019
The Dewatering Screen may have started in the coal industry, but it has really found a home in the aggregate world. 自20世纪70年代末被引入北美市场以来, 脱水筛已成为砂石经济脱水的首选设备. 下面是脱水筛在清洁骨料生产中发挥如此大作用的八个原因.

1. Produce a drier material

一些设备被用来降低沙子中的水分含量. A Separator™ or siphon-assisted Hydrocyclone 产生含水率在22-35%范围内的下溢材料. 物料可以堆放在排水场或排放到脱水筛,以额外去除水分. 由于剩余的游离水,将物料直接卸到传送带上通常会产生一个清洁问题.

A Fine Material Screw Washer produces a discharge with a moisture content of 15–30%. While the product can discharge onto a conveyor directly, 材料会粘在皮带上,造成严重的家务问题.

The Dewatering Screen achieves 8-20% moisture, depending on the physical characteristics of the material. Despite the range of retained moisture, 脱水筛出料为无滴漏,易于输送, loaded into a truck or placed in a bin.

When feeding dryers, putting material on conveyors, 装载卡车或卸载到其他设备,需要最低百分比的水分, a Dewatering Screen is a low-cost solution.

Dewatering Screen_drip-free sand


Check out this case study 来看看脱水筛是如何帮助Kilgore公司生产出85%固体含量的砂,从而提高菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全产量的.

Download Case Study

2. Can handle multiple products

使用纵向分隔器可以在一个屏幕上脱水多达三种菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. 许多应用具有两流工艺,其中细流和粗流可以保持分离或混合以创建特殊菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. 对多种菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全使用一个脱水筛可以减少设备的总体占地面积,降低资金和运营成本.

Longitudinal divider


3. Integrate with surrounding equipment

脱水筛适合许多应用,以产生干燥菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全, capture ultra-fine material or allow better control in the process.

Wash Plant

水力旋流器或分离器™与脱水筛的组合创建了一个具有更高效率和产量的洗涤系统,并具有更干燥的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. 筛网底流可以再循环回到水力旋流器进料中进行回收,或者在不需要的情况下去除. 

Ultra Fines Recovery Plant

一般来说,设置屏幕是为了根据媒体开口进行分类. 当试图捕捉通常会通过媒体传递的材料时, 脱水筛可以与水力旋流器结合使用,在超细物料进入沉淀池之前进行回收. 尽管一些罚款将通过屏幕媒体,但它们将留在系统中. 水力旋流器溢流是细料的唯一出口点, and it is operated at a high pressure to retain the material. 

Feed preparation for downstream equipment

Equipment such as Attrition Scrubbers will not operate at optimal levels when the material is too wet. A Dewatering Screen will produce a predictable moisture, which will allow better control in the process. 通过以可控的速率加水,可以将材料调整到正确的水分百分比.

Integration with downstream equipment

Dewatering Screens integrate with downstream equipment.

4. Usable with a wide range of size gradations

因为脱水筛的主要目的是降低物料中的水分百分比, it can handle a wide range of particle sizes. From as large as 0.5” down to 400 mesh fines, 脱水筛可配置处理所需尺寸的物料. 因为脱水筛的设计是为了堵住介质开口, 当水流过时,正常通过的物质被保留了下来. 特别是当与水力旋流器或分离器™结合使用时, 脱水筛在保留物料和生产干燥菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全方面是非常有效的.

5. Media can be adjusted to make sizing cuts

脱水筛是专门设置的,用于屏蔽筛媒,以便将材料保留在上面,并允许水向下面报告. With this mind, it is still a screen, 介质可以调整,以执行屏幕已知的清晰尺寸分类. 倾斜排放继续促进水从物料中去除. The media does not have to be continuous in purpose. One section can be configured for size classification, while others are configured for the dewatering requirement. 与其他湿式筛一样,可采用喷雾水来提高粒度分级效率.

6. The addition of spray water will remove fines from the product

虽然最好在流程的上游处理罚款的去除, there are situations when fines remain in the product. 向脱水屏幕加水似乎是一种适得其反的方法, but it can have a significant impact on removing the unwanted fines. The media will retain the desired material, 而细粒则会随水流动,并向屏幕的底流报告. 加水的量和加水的位置都会对效果产生影响, but generally speaking, water is added at the feed end.

spray bars


7. Low horsepower

配有两个振动电机或单个电机驱动激振器, 脱水筛使用的总马力明显低于类似容量的设备. With the recommended percent moisture in the feed of 50% or higher, a Dewatering Screen can accept a variety of feed sources. Under some circumstances, the feed can go below 50 percent solids, but it can affect the final product dryness or the total capacity. When the feed is too high in water content, it may require additional equipment, such as a Hydrocyclone, 在将物料引入脱水筛之前降低水分百分比. 

8. Low maintenance

屏幕介质和弹簧/缓冲器是需要更换的主要项目. These items, along with the sideliners and discharge lip, are the only wear parts, and they all have a long lifespan. 电机和结构部件专为重型应用而设计,故障率低. 

For these eight reasons, 脱水筛可以是一个受欢迎的添加到骨料厂,当寻找去除水分和改善内务. 

Tags: Dewatering

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