
水力旋流器及其变种, 分隔符™, have been used for decades in 矿物质 and aggregate applications for classification, 脱泥脱水. 约翰最好, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全组经理, discusses the differences between 水力旋流器 and 分隔符™ and in what applications each is typically used.


"水力旋流器, or more simply Cyclones, have existed in various forms since the late 1800s. 它们一开始是空气分离设备, and since then they’ve been used in lots of different applications, specifically the 矿物质 industry for classification, 脱泥脱水."


“有趣的问题. 这是很难描述的事情之一. 所有 分隔符™ are Cyclones, so they’re based on the same piece of equipment. 分离器™是简单改良的水力旋流器, 哪一个, 我们的设计, 用来分离固体和液体.

“回到20世纪70年代, a patent was issued for an Automatic Discharge Regulator designed to improve the underflow density over a wide variety of 饲料 conditions. These 水力旋流器 were named 分隔符™ in North America. This feature is significant when associated with processes where downstream density is critical, such as 饲料ing Attrition Cells or stockpiling sands."


气旋是用来分类的, desliming (哪一个 is getting rid of clays prior to a process) and densification — so there are a lot of applications for Cyclones, 包括 罚款复苏. Examples of common applications include classification in ball mill circuits and concentrating Hydrosizer™ 饲料."

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使用“分离器”, 一般来说, when the downstream process is moisture sensitive, 所以你要保持一个特定的密度, such as an attrition circuit where it’s very important to maintain 72-75% solids by weight and where you’ve got a 饲料 that could vary.

“你想储存材料的地方, a Separator™ is best because of the underflow moisture content. 如果进料中的固体减少, 水力旋流器 can flush and will wash the stockpile away, whereas a Separator™ maintains the same density under these conditions, 所以你要维持储备."

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分隔符™ maintain underflow density under varying 饲料 conditions, 哪一个 allows them to stockpile material directly. 


"水力旋流器没有活动部件; typically, a pump 饲料s slurry to the 水力旋流器 at a designated pressure and volume. 简单地, the inlet geometry of the Cyclone induces an internal rotational motion creating centrifugal force. This force sends coarser fractions to the outer wall, 在内核中留下更细的部分, 哪一个 spiral upward out through the Vortex Finder. The coarser fractions spiral downward toward the apex, concentrating into a more dense slurry before finally discharging from the bottom apex.   

“分离器”的工作原理与此类似, only they feature a flexible underflow regulator fixed to the apex (or spigot) and a specially designed overflow pipe fitted to the overflow flange. 溢流管形成虹吸, 由空气阀控制, to regulate the flow of the material exiting the Cyclone apex. This siphon effectively eliminates the discharge of water when zero solids are present in the 饲料."

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Why does 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 offer both 水力旋流器 and 分隔符™?

”封面 许多不同类型的应用程序. You can deslime with both a 水力旋流器 and a Separator™, but then it depends on what your downstream process is going to be. It may be very suitable to use a Cyclone in the application, but if you want a 更干燥,更连续的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全排出,那么您将使用分离器™.

"The one thing about the 矿物质 industry in comparison with the 聚合 market is that aggregate applications tend to be more variable. 而 矿物质 applications process a continuous 饲料 rate through a plant all day every day, a sand plant may have variations in 饲料 quantity and type because of different parts of the deposit it is processing, so you need to be able to cover all those types of applications."  

What are the benefits of 水力旋流器 in 罚款回收系统?

"In 罚款回收系统, what we’re looking at, 一般来说, is the waste product from a plant. You have an effluent stream that’s going out to a settling pond, but you don’t always want to just throw everything out there because there may be recoverable useful material in the stream. You could put that recovered material on a stockpile and use it for rehabilitation or sell it perhaps, 而且你没有占用池塘空间.

"If you have an operation that operates for 4,000 hours a year and you 每小时只能多回收5吨, 这是20,000 tons over a year that can either be sold or at least given away, 而且它不在你的池塘里."

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菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全's Ultra 罚款复苏 systems allow producers to recover potentially salable material from the waste stream to reduce settling pond size. 

How many tons of material have 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 水力旋流器/分隔符™ processed over the years?

“在过去的20年里, 我们分隔符™, 水力旋流器 and systems have processed millions of tons of materials in all sorts of applications." 


What are the advantages of working with 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 and its 水力旋流器/Separator™ technology?

这是一个很容易回答的问题. We’ve got people who’ve dealt with this equipment from graduate and post graduate work to metallurgists working in a facility operating the equipment. It’s the expertise that 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 has; there’s a couple hundred years of individual experience behind us in 水力旋流器 and 分隔符™."

标签: 洗 & 分类


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