The Perfect Pair: Why 水力旋流器 Are Used In Combination With 脱水屏幕

Read this blog to learn how 水力旋流器 are used with 脱水屏幕 to produce a drip-free in-spec product.

水力旋流器 有多种用途,包括大小 分类罚款复苏. They are highly efficient for sizing minus 4 mesh material as well as capturing fine material down to 400 mesh. 它们提供很多好处, 包括降低成本, smaller footprint 和 less maintenance than other types of 分类 equipment.

因为 水力旋流器没有活动部件, a Pump is required to feed the slurry to the Hydrocyclone at a designated pressure 和 volume. 水力旋流器内部, particle separation occurs as a result of opposing centrifugal forces 和 drag forces. Centrifugal forces draw the coarser particles in the feed toward the outer walls of the Hydrocyclone. These coarser particles then exit through the bottom of the Hydrocyclone.

Drag forces pull the finer particles in the feed toward the center of the Hydrocyclone, where they remain rotating with the fluid until they are removed by an upward air core that is formed as air is drawn into the Hydrocyclone from the bottom.

While a majority of the water is removed with the fines in the overflow, 水力旋流器 are limited in their ability to dewater fine solids to a conveyable state. 

A good rule of thumb to remember is that fines follow the water. 因此, 在底流中存在的细粒越多, the more water that will exit out the underflow 和 the more dilute the underflow will be. 

This means that 水力旋流器 used for 罚款复苏 applications will have a more dilute underflow than 水力旋流器 used for particle size 分类.

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不管应用是什么, 然而, Hydrocyclone underflow is typically too dilute to convey or stack without some sort of material dewatering prior to moving or stockpiling it. 分隔符™, 哪些是改良的水力旋流器, were developed to generate a denser underflow for discharging directly to a stockpile, but even these can benefit from further dewatering in certain applications.


脱水屏幕 are used to remove excess moisture from minus 4 mesh particles to produce a drip-free material that is conveyable, 可堆叠,可立即出售. 这些脱水装置提供了许多 额外的好处是去除多余的水分,包括:

  • 更好的管家
  • 减少库存干燥时间
  • 改善库存保养
  • 降低运输成本

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In a typical process flow, the 水力旋流器 discharge directly onto the 脱水 Screen. The slurry is fed onto the 脱水 Screen’s steep, downward inclined surface. Counter-rotating vibratory motors throw the solids upward 和 forward, which allows the water to detach from the solid particles 和 discharge through the openings in the media on the screen’s surface.

The solids material will discharge from the screen in the 10-15% moisture range, 尽管这在很大程度上取决于被脱水的物质. 无论如何, the material coming off the 脱水 Screen will be drip-free, 不同的材料会有不同的湿度水平. 


脱水屏幕 can be used with 水力旋流器 in many applications. 这些应用程序包括:

  • 初级洗涤、分级、脱水
  • 作为分类和脱水系统的一部分
  • 细粒回收脱水


脱水屏幕 can be paired with 水力旋流器 that are performing primary washing 和 size 分类 to remove moisture from the final product ahead of stockpiling. These Hydrocyclone 和 脱水 Screen systems typically are the first stage of s和 washing after dry processing through a sizing screen. 在这个应用程序中, 沙子和水在水池里混合, 和 then pumped to the Hydrocyclone to perform the 分类.

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水力旋流器 can also be paired with 脱水屏幕 that are used to 脱砂分级池底流 或从螺旋垫圈溢出. In 分类 Tank applications, the underflow discharges directly onto the 脱水 Screen. Any product sized solids that exit through the screen media with the water are captured in a sump beneath the 脱水 Screen. They are then pumped up to a Hydrocyclone positioned above the 脱水 Screen to be recovered 和 subsequently dewatered with the S和 Tank discharge.

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In Screw Washer applications, 水力旋流器 和 脱水屏幕 are used to 回收菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全大小的罚款 和 improve the dryness of the final product in one of two ways. The 水力旋流器 can recover product-sizes fines from the screw overflow 和 discharge them onto the 脱水 Screen, which is placed after the screw for further moisture removal ahead of stockpiling. The 水力旋流器 can also be used to 回收菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全大小的罚款 that exit with the water through the 脱水 Screen media when placed after a screw for product moisture removal.

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在其他类型的罚款回收应用, 水力旋流器 和 脱水屏幕 can accept the waste stream from the wash plant to reduce the volume of material reporting to settling ponds. These 水力旋流器 are specifically designed to recover ultra-fine particles down to 400 mesh.

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作为一个整体, 水力旋流器 和 脱水屏幕 provide a highly efficient 分类 和 dewatering system in a small footprint. They can process high volumes 和 generate a drip-free in-spec material. When compared with similar types of sizing 和 dewatering systems, 水力旋流器 和 脱水屏幕 offer better 分类 和 more dewatering when used in combination. 

标签: 脱水, 罚款复苏, 洗 & 分类


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