Depending on the duty class, Quad Roll Crushers can be used in ROM applications such as coal, salt, lime, pet coke and potash operations, among others. These crushers are designed as two Double Roll Crushers, 一级和二级均达到4:1的减速比. 在麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全破碎机的啮合齿设计意味着不需要定时齿轮.

How Quad Roll Crushers Work

四辊破碎机是专为较大的饲料尺寸和高容量的减少比. 四辊破碎机的上一级基本上由双辊破碎机组成, 哪个设计有合适的直径的辊和齿配置,以方便地抓取进料. 这一阶段的设计是在直接进料到第二阶段之前,以4:1的比例减少较大的饲料尺寸.

二次破碎阶段由另一个双辊破碎机组成. 底部或次级阶段直接从顶部阶段进料,在顶部阶段进料在破碎辊之间通道. 在辊子之间产生的压缩和剪切力的组合将进料减少到所需的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸,同时生产最小细粒的隔间菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全.

McLanahan的机械颠簸缓解系统采用弹簧和开关机构,当不可破碎的物体进入破碎室时,该机构就会激活. 一旦过大的力施加到可动辊组件上, they toggle or break open to allow the uncrushable item to pass. The tramp relief system then closes, 将两个阶段的活动辊组件恢复到先前的设置,同时允许破碎机继续不间断地运行.

Optional features include hydraulic product adjustment, roll scrapers, automatic lubrication, wheeled support base and other custom solutions.

Why McLanahan Quad Roll Crushers

By creating one machine to do the work of two, McLanahan产生了较低的总体净空要求和简化的工艺流程. 四辊破碎机还具有液压菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸调整的初级和次级破碎阶段. 这使得生产者可以选择改变尺寸规格或调整磨损,如果需要出现.

四辊破碎机具有两个阶段的自动切换救济机制. 这使得可动辊在初级和次级阶段都可以打开, 安全通过不可破碎物料,并返回到初始设置继续运行. In addition to the tramp protection feature, 四辊破碎机还包括检修门,用于检查磨损或方便轧辊维修. 所有的v带和级间传动都有保护,以保护个人安全.

Frequently Asked Questions About Quad Roll Crushers

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根据客户的进料尺寸与菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸的缩小比例, two stages of crushing should be considered, such as two Double Roll Crushers, Sizers or a Triple Roll crusher.

It is the ratio of the feed size to the desired product size. As an example, if the feed size is 12” and the desired product size is 3”, then the ratio of reduction is or 4:1. 与四辊破碎机,你有一个4:1在上阶段,其次是4:1在下阶段.

Standard-Duty Quad Roll Crusher

标准任务四辊破碎机是最轻的任务四辊破碎机,设计用于执行两阶段减少软材料,如洁净煤, salt, lime, coke, glass, etc. 该模型由单个电机提供动力,并在破碎的初级和次级阶段之间采用级间v带传动.

Medium-Duty Quad Roll Crusher

中型四辊破碎机执行两阶段减少材料,如盐, potash, harder coals that contain medium-hard shale and slate, and other minerals, but are not suitable for hard rock and other refuse. 中型四辊破碎机使用两个电机来驱动它的四个辊,并包括一级和二级辊之间的v带传动.

Super Quad Roll Crusher

超级四辊破碎机执行两阶段减少ROM煤,含有适量的中硬垃圾, as well as other materials of similar compressive strength. 这是最重的四辊破碎机的型号,麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全制造, but it is not intended for very hard or abrasive rock. Designed for high-capacity applications, the Super Quad Roll Crusher is capable of throughput up to 4,500 TPH,可根据应用程序提供双或四个电机驱动器.

Abrasive Material Quad Roll Crusher

磨料四辊破碎机有能力进行两阶段的热还原, abrasive feeds such as sintered iron ore and coke. 这种破碎机有许多特点,限制了磨料材料造成的磨损,也简化了维护. These include abrasion-resistant renewable side and end liners, 以及一个法兰轴的设计,很容易通过料斗和二次通过端板去除初级轧辊. For hot feed options, McLanahan is able to provide water-cooled roll shaft assemblies, 轴承位于外侧,散热和高温密封,以保护轴承.

四辊式破碎机早已在各种应用中使用, including ROM feeds, coal, trona, salt, glass and other friable minerals.

Features & Benefits
  • Optional carbide-impregnated, 在某些应用中,焊接齿比铸造齿延长轧辊寿命三到四倍
  • Flange shaft design for easier roll removal and maintenance
  • Optional segmented roll design available on larger models
  • 重型制造钢基础框架防止变形,并允许延长轴承和轴的寿命
  • 料斗和机架内衬可再生耐磨钢板
  • 重型轴承和密封提供平稳运行,防止灰尘污染
  • 顶部法兰料斗配有螺栓孔,用于客户进料槽连接
  • Optional speed switches to detect roll under-speed conditions
  • 段间带在初级和次级破碎阶段之间传输动力

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