单辊破碎机的最小菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸通常限制在2-3英寸。. 在超长弯曲破碎板的全宽度与低速破碎辊之间进行破碎. 破碎板的曲率提供了一个足够的喉口开口,以捕获大的不规则进料块. 可更换的破碎板尖端或衬垫开槽,与辊齿相互啮合,产生立方体菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,有效减少板结.

单辊破碎机是v带驱动,并采用大直径飞轮与齿轮和小齿轮组,以降低辊速度. With the assistance of the inertia generated by the flywheel, 这种破碎机的马力相对较低,与用于初级还原的其他破碎机相比,需要更低的净空. 破碎机的辊直径和宽度最终将由进料大小决定, product size and capacity.

单辊破碎机采用不稳救济机构,允许破碎板的瞬间运动,使不可破碎的物体可以通过. 然后,该机构允许破碎机返回其原始设置并保持运行.

单辊破碎机早已在各种应用中使用, including ROM feeds, clay, glass and other friable minerals. 

How Single Roll Crushers Work

A Single Roll Crusher is made up of a toothed roll assembly, which crushes the incoming feed material against a crushing plate. 单辊破碎机旨在减少较大的饲料尺寸,以6:1的比例减少所需的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸,同时产生相当低的细粒百分比. When properly fed in the direction of the roll rotation, 破碎作用沿着弯曲破碎板的全宽度进行, which ensures maximum throughput capacity. 适当大小的辊直径和齿配置抓住传入的饲料,并将其拉入破碎区毫不犹豫. 破碎板具有可逆和易于更换的破碎板尖端, 哪些设计是为了生产立方体菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,同时为生产者提供两倍的磨损寿命和简化的维护. 与初级和次级应用中使用的其他破碎机相比,单辊破碎机通常需要更少的马力和更低的净空.

这些单位的设计使粉碎更简单,更有效. McLanahan单辊破碎机还具有液压菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸调整功能,如果需要,可以对破碎机设置进行相对简单的更改.

Why McLanahan Single Roll Crushers

The Single Roll Crusher, which was originally patented by Samuel Calvin McLanahan in 1894, 经过多年的发展,包括设计功能,以确保多年的坚固运行. Complete with all safety guards, 单辊破碎机设有一个自动不稳救济机构,允许破碎板铰链打开, 通过不可破碎的不定期物料,并返回到先前的设置继续操作.

Based on the application data and extensive field experience, McLanahan为每个项目选择合适的单辊破碎机的工作等级. 设备齐全的应用研究实验室可以进行粉碎测试,以确保McLanahan可以提供最好的解决方案.

Frequently Asked Questions About Single Roll Crushers

Ask An Expert

当不可破碎的物体,如金属、屋顶螺栓/木材等., 进入破碎机,粉碎该物料所需的力大于破碎机的破碎力, 破碎机允许破碎板打开并通过不稳定物料. 破碎机然后返回到其先前的设置,并保持在操作中.

还原比是进料尺寸与所需菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸的比例. For example, if the feed size is 12” and the desired product size is 2”, then the ratio of reduction is 6:1.

根据客户的进给尺寸和菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸要求,可予以考虑 Mineral Sizers or Double Roll Crushers.

Cobra Single Roll Crushers

Cobra单辊破碎机是McLanahan单辊破碎机系列中最轻便的. They are ideal for wet, sticky feeds and for processing materials such as clean coal, petroleum coke, sulfur, rosin, foundry cores, frozen agglomerates and other friable materials.

Black Diamond Single Roll Crushers

黑金刚石单辊破碎机是专为处理中硬物料, such as ROM coal with shale and slate, salt, and phosphate rock.

Super Black Diamond Single Roll Crushers

超级黑钻单辊破碎机设计用于处理硬到中硬材料, such as shale, gypsum, ROM coal and phosphate rock.

Shale King Single Roll Crushers

页岩王单辊破碎机生产初级和次级尺寸的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,并专门设计用于处理岩石. They are ideal for oil shale and materials of similar hardness.

Rockmaster® Single Roll Crushers

Rockmaster®单辊破碎机是McLanahan单辊破碎机系列中最重的型号. 它们非常适合最苛刻的破碎应用,并减少极硬材料和典型的矿山垃圾. 

McLanahan invented the Single Roll Crusher in 1894.

Features & Benefits
  • Heavy-duty, fabricated steel base frame construction
  • 料斗和框架是加强与可再生的,耐磨钢耐磨衬板
  • 破碎板设计有易于更换,可逆和可更新的破碎板尖端
  • Electric motor and V-belt drive arrangement
  • 带槽平衡飞轮滑轮安装在反轴上
  • Gear and pinion set for roll speed reduction
  • 滚动和副轴轴承可配备温度和振动报警装置
  • Zero speed switches available
  • Option for automatic lubrication

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Our customer service team is here to help you 24/7. 我们可以为您运送零件,派遣现场服务技术人员到您的现场,并回答您的任何问题. Whatever you need, we are here for you.